Venture X Store FrontPlease welcome our latest business partner, Venture X. We helped them at their new location, in Scott’s Addition, with their Network Cabling, IT infrastructure, Audio Visual & our Hosted Phone solution.

Venture X is a shared workspace and community for entrepreneurs, established businesses, creatives, startups, small businesses and Fortune 500 companies who need a professional and welcoming office space. Collaborate and build long-lasting connections through Venture X’s worldwide community. You and your team are going to love working at Venture X Richmond.

Venture X
1806 Summit Ave., Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23230
O: 804.215.1997

About the author : admistrator


Not Just Any Telecom Company. We’re Richmond Telecom.

Not Just Any Telecom Company. We’re Richmond Telecom.

No matter your industry, we provide custom solutions that exceed your expectations.